Friday, June 20 5:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Parking will be available at Camp for the Friday evening event only. Please arrive between 5:00 and 5:45 PM for Check-in before the Flag Lowering Ceremony and the Evening Service.
When you arrive at Camp Tevya, you will receive your registration packet for the weekend including your 75th Reunion t-shirt(s). Please remember that Friday Night’s event is by reservation only, and we are sorry that we will not be able to accommodate walk-ins. We expect Friday Night’s event to fill up quickly, so please remember to register as soon as possible here.
Flag Lowering Ceremony
We will gather at the Flag Pole Area at 5:45 PM to lower the flag in the traditional ceremony.
Friday Evening Service
Do you miss Shabbat at Camp Tevya? We will have a traditional Friday Evening Service in the Pavilion conducted by alumni of all generations. If you would like to participate in the service, please e-mail us at .
Shabbat Dinner
No Friday night at Camp Tevya would be complete without a festive Shabbat meal in the Dining Hall. Please join us for a special and traditional Shabbat Dinner with all the foods that you remember. Feel free to get a group of your friends together and sit at the same table or join other alums that you haven’t met yet and make new Tevya friends. Seating is limited to the capacity of the Dining Hall, so please register early if you plan to attend.
Shira in the Dining Hall and Rikud under the stars
Our traditional Shabbat celebration will continue after dessert in the Dining Hall as we join in the singing of the Birkat and many of the Shabbat songs from the entire history of Camp Tevya. Our evening will conclude with Israeli dancing under the stars.
At the conclusion of our Friday Night Shabbat, we will wish you Shabbat Shalom until our festivities resume on Saturday morning.
Saturday, June 21 9:00 am – 9:30 pm
Arrival by bus
Parking for all who are driving to the Saturday Reunion event (except those with handicap needs) will be off-site in nearby designated parking lots. We will provide bus transportation to and from Camp Tevya on a regular schedule from the parking lots starting at approximately 8:45 AM until the end of the Reunion after the Campfire.
Please note: There will be no bus service during the morning Shabbat Service. If you wish to attend the morning Shabbat Service, then please make sure that you board one of the buses by 9:45 AM prior to the beginning of the morning Shabbat Service. For those who wish to arrive after the morning Shabbat Service, bus service will resume at approximately 11:30 AM.
When you arrive at Camp, you will receive your registration materials, your name tag, and your Reunion t-shirt. If you have not registered on-line prior to the Reunion, you will have the ability to do so at Check-in.
Shabbat Services
Come be a part of a traditional Camp Tevya morning Shabbat Service! We will have many alumni of all generations leading and participating in our service which is sure to bring back many memories of Tevya. Come to support your friends who are taking part in the service and see our returning Culture leaders of several generations as they lead our worship. We welcome your participation in the service. If you would like to have a part in the morning Shabbat Service, please e-mail us at .
Arrival by bus and Check-in
For those who wish to arrive at the Reunion after the morning Shabbat Service, buses will be available from the parking areas beginning at about 11:30 AM to take you to Camp. Upon arrival you may check in or register (see the explanation above).
Buffet Lunch
At the conclusion of the morning Shabbat Service please join us for a delicious buffet lunch that will be served from 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM for all Reunion participants.
Welcome Ceremony
After lunch we will gather briefly for the official welcome to the Reunion and to hear about some of the highlights of the events of the day.
Dedication of the Bobroff Beit Shira
Join us as Camp Tevya dedicates this new facility that campers will enjoy for decades to come.
Afternoon Activities
This is what you have been waiting for! Spend the afternoon catching up with your friends and participating in a wide variety of activities all over the Camp just like you did when you were a camper. We will have something for everyone of all ages. Participate in as many activities as you would like or just relax in your favorite spot at Camp with your friends and family.
Arts & Crafts
Arts & Crafts will be open throughout the afternoon for kids and adults alike. Many of the crafts that you enjoyed at Camp Tevya will be available for you to make anew. Your kids will love it too!
Boating & Canoeing
Do you miss being out on the waters of Lake Potanipo? Take a boat or canoe out with your friends and re-experience that wonderful feeling of the tranquility of the lake.
Whether you want to cool off in the water, swim out to the rafts, or just relax on the beach, the waterfront will be open throughout the afternoon for you to enjoy.
Do you dream of replaying that pivotal match in the Tevya Invitationals? Come play to your heart’s content on one of Tevya’s famed tennis courts. Please bring your racquet. Tennis balls will be provided.
Our basketball courts will be open throughout the afternoon for impromptu half-court and full court games, games of H-O-R-S-E, foul shot contests, and general shooting.
Tetherball and Four Square
Camp Tevya wouldn’t be what it is today without these two venerable games. Come play!
Join us for a pick-up volleyball game with your former teammates and bunkmates.
Kids’ Activities
The Camp staff will be running several fun activities throughout the afternoon to entertain kids of all ages.
If you need more details about this activity, then you must not be a Camp Tevya alum.
Tevya Memorabilia Museum
We will have numerous photos, videos, memorabilia, and more on display spanning the entire history of Camp Tevya. Make sure that you stop by to take a look and reminisce.
Group Photos by Decade
We will gather by decade for a set of eight historic portraits of all alumni present at the Reunion. Did you attend Tevya during more than one decade? If you did, please make sure that you are included in the portrait for each decade you attended Tevya. You will absolutely not want to miss being a part of this lasting memorial celebrating this important milestone in Tevya’s first 75 years! The portraits will be taken throughout the afternoon:
1:00 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s
1:45 70’s and 80’s
4:30 90’s, 00’s, and 10’s
4:45 Camp marriages, Directors, Cohen family
Dedication of the Seth Feldman Fitness Center
Whether you participated in the 2013 Tevya Trot or not, come be a part of the dedication of the Seth Feldman Fitness Center – Camp Tevya’s newest athletic facility.
Legends Softball Game
Do you yearn to play one more softball game on the Bogrim Field? Can you hear the crack of the bat as the ball soars into left center field? Join players of all generations for the biggest Legends Softball Game in the Camp’s history. Bring your glove if you have one and get ready to round the bases!
Camp Tour
Are you thinking about sending your kids to Tevya? Join our Director, Mindee Meltzer, for a great tour of the Camp facilities.
What would an afternoon at Camp be without a snack? A snack will be served just like the old days for you to enjoy. Water stations will also be available throughout the afternoon all over the Camp.
Legends Volleyball Game
Do you think you still have what it takes to spike one over the net? Come find out at our first ever Legends Volleyball Game. Join alumni of all generations in a game of volleyball that is sure to be fun and exciting or come watch all the action on the court.
Flag Lowering Ceremony
After an afternoon of great activities and reuniting with your friends, we will join together for this Tevya time-honored tradition as we lower the flag.
We have a wonderful alfresco barbecue dinner planned for you to enjoy.
Havdalah Service at the Waterfront
After dinner we will gather at the waterfront for what many Tevya alumni have described as one of the most beautiful experiences they ever had at Camp. As the sun begins to set over Lake Potanipo, we will celebrate Havdalah with the traditional ceremony that you remember from your days as a camper.
Closing Campfire
Campfires at the beach have been an unforgettable part of every summer at Camp Tevya. Join us for a Closing Campfire to conclude the Reunion where we promise you a great bonfire, lots of warm feelings, and that incredible Tevya Spirit that we all know and love. We’ll sing favorite Tevya songs lead by some of our past Song Leaders, hear traditional campfire stories, enjoy several surprises, and participate in a concluding ceremony that you won’t want to miss!
Rad Hayom/Departure by bus
After joining hands and singing Rad Hayom, one of Camp Tevya’s most enduring traditions, we will sadly conclude our 75th Camp Tevya Reunion and say good-bye to our friends (for now!) with a hugfest for the record books! Once you have said your good-byes, bus transportation will be available to the parking lots for all Reunion participants.